Sunday, May 12, 2013

Do I Really Need A Will?

This is one of the most asked questions men ask as they get older. There are a lot of myths about wills and it would seem that most men think wills are a hassle to create. By using a licensed Las Vegas Attorney that specializes in probate litigation you can avoid some very costly mistakes when setting up your will and you just might find that getting one in place is a lot easier than you'd think.

The first thing your attorney will do for you is consult with you on what you wish to include in your will. During this consultation they will also bring ideas to the table on assets you might have overlooked. After your consultation they will have a last will and testament drawn up for you.

Your draft will most certainly cover the many issues that often come up during ones death or incapacitation. Your durable power of attorney will be set, as will your health care power of attorney. Options for storing this important document and its copies will also be examined.

Upon your approval and your attorneys satisfaction that all concerns have been met both personally to you and your family, and contractually within the laws of the courts, you will have your will notarized. At this point it will be legally binding and you can breath a sigh of relief. The hard part is over. Now your loved ones will have much more protection than they had before.

A will spells out how your assets will be distributed to your beneficiaries. Without one your loved ones will be at the mercy of the probate court. The court will see fit how to distribute your assets and they will not allow hearsay into evidence. Any purely verbal commitments you may have made will not hold up in court. They won't even be acknowledged on the smallest level. This is why a will can be so very important.

Sure, having a living trust along with your will can allow your family to completely circumvent the probate process altogether, but it all starts with you calling Las Vegas Attorneys that are standing by to help you with your estate planning. Drafting the will to get you covered now will always be of the upmost importance.

Don't let another day go by without taking this first step. Your loved ones are counting on you.

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